Wednesday, April 09, 2008

i will dance with you, take you where the stars explode

depreciation guild - digital solace
depreciation guild - butterfly kisses
soul coughing - circles
estelle - pretty please
plantlife - stardancer

DANG AH BIN GUN AWHYLE, jax in action noahw cuz ah no u bin missin it. hahaNOT . but n.e.wayz, depreciation guild employs that NES to bark out some creamy chip tones while swirlin evertythanig right over it. shoeeegazein/? soul coughin is a throwback, dont let it get stuck in your head JUST HEARIN IT ONCE MAY DO JUS DAT. estelle is one of the more soulful yoint z on her new albublubm, produced by jack flash was a part of that plantlife project back in the day that kILLED!!%@#% look up that whole album if yaoua can plorzeease

-ace gon vrumbles


Blogger NightMirage said...

Oh man...I didn't know Jack Flash produced it. I'm all over it.

8:43 PM  
Blogger erik b and rakim said...

haha yea, i maen, the production on plantlife still kills it, but this is a standout track to me from the estelle album, and lo and behold, JACK SPLASH. man. might not be as good as some quiet storm, but we gettin therre

heres some mariah carey links i found

11:38 AM  

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